Terms and Conditions of Use for angajare.md

Acceptance of Terms: By using this website, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein. Access and use of the angajare.md recruitment site are subject to these conditions and all applicable laws. By visiting and using this recruitment site, you automatically accept the specified terms and conditions.

Website Usage: These terms and conditions apply to all users of the site, including those contributing information. angajare.md may contain links to other websites not owned by this site. angajare.md is not responsible for the content or terms of use of any other website.

Recruitment Site Usage: Access to this recruitment site is free. The purpose of the site is to inform and assist users in finding the necessary information easily, structured, and quickly. angajare.md is a recruitment site for everyone. To guarantee permission to use this site, the following terms of use must be respected:

  • The site is to be used only for personal and non-commercial purposes;
  • Do not copy or distribute any information (text, pictures, videos, or any other material) without prior consent from the site administrator;
  • You will not modify or degrade any part of this site, except where you have legal and pre-established access;
  • You will not post on this site information that may mislead the accuracy of the data (text, video materials, photos, etc.);
  • You are not a direct and/or indirect competitor of the platform (job site, employer review site, CV maker);
  • You will respect the terms and conditions imposed by this site.

Intellectual Property Rights: The content of the site is offered to you free of charge, for informational purposes. The content may not be copied, reproduced, used, transmitted, sold, licensed, distributed without prior written consent from the holder of the intellectual property right, i.e., angajare.md. You agree not to use, copy, distribute the content of this site for commercial purposes. angajare.md reserves all rights to the content of this site.

User Information Posting: angajare.md allows registered users to post recruitment advertisements (text, photos, comments), as well as their hosting. angajare.md does not guarantee the confidentiality of these materials. You will be solely responsible for the materials posted. You agree not to post materials that violate copyright or other intellectual property rights, to be obscene, pornographic, threatening, inciting hatred, offensive materials against ethnicity or race, materials that violate any law, advertising materials. angajare.md will remove materials that violate these terms and conditions, without any prior warning. The user's account that posted materials that violate these conditions will be suspended for an indefinite period, pending the user's request for account reactivation. angajare.md has the right to check and decide whether the posted materials violate these terms and conditions or not.

Rules for Posting Job Advertisements: Dear employers, the advertisements published on jobs.angajare.md reflect the image of your company, therefore, to make a good impression on the potential candidate for the company you are recruiting for, please follow these steps when posting an ad:

  • The company posting the job must have a completed profile with contact information, logo, and company information.
  • The job must list the requirements, responsibilities, and what the company offers;
  • The job must contain diacritics and be correctly formulated;
  • Do not post more than one vacant position in the same ad;
  • If you have the ad in two languages, add them separately.

Limitation of Liability: angajare.md is not responsible for damages resulting from mistakes, errors, or lack of accuracy in the materials published on this website. The materials are purely informative.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions: The site is addressed to young people and those who feel young. By using this site, you have acknowledged and agreed to the terms and conditions presented on this page.

Privacy Policy: All information provided by users is and will remain confidential; angajare.md will use this information only for personal purposes; will not use the email addresses of users to send unsolicited advertising.